~ Inspiration ~

ocean photo by eyepoetryphotography on etsy

There is one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath.
—Herman Melville

I have never been drawn to the ocean. I'm not sure why. I was born in the mountains, they are part of my soul. I adore the mountains. Seeing them just makes my heart sing. But lately, it seems that water, the sea in particular, is calling me. New summer and fall designs are coming from the place that I didn't know existed. The ocean part of me. Maybe it's time for a road trip?
blue mineral eyeshadow kit by noellabeautyworks on etsy

These colors are so peaceful and lovely. They inspire your to breathe. Just breathe and know that all if well. 
in the sea print by maechevrette on etsy
Click on the links below the photos to visit the websites for each artist. 